Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tumblr, Tumblr, Tumblr!

I am about to tell you all I do in my life. The only thing I ever do with my time, all I think about, it is my very being, Tumblr.
There are all kinds of blogs on Tumblr, but the most common two seem to be hipster blogs, they reblog pictures of fashion and scenery etc. and then there are the fandom blogs. They are all about their shows, books, actors, movies, etc. These people deeply analyze every movement of their favorite character/actor, they make the weirdest most hilarious things I have ever seen, but most importantly, they love the same things that I love and they don't judge me for anything. But there is a fault in Tumblr, although they love and accept almost anyone Tumblr is often very judgmental, if you have a different view than someone on Tumblr you could get ripped to shreds by them. They are all up for equality of everyone, and they have good opinions but if you tumble (insert cheesy laugh here) upon the wrong person with a different opinion it won't turn out pretty.

The five main fandoms of Tumblr, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Sherlock, The Avengers, and Doctor Who.
Taken from:
Although Tumblr can be very harsh and people can be very judgmental it can also sometimes be one of the most accepting and loving places. A lot of people that go onto tumblr are outcasts, they go there for relief, they go there to be surrounded by others who are like them. They don't care about your sexual orientation, your race, your religion (most of the time), how cool you are, and they all understand your pain and grieving over fictional characters, they cry over them with you. These people on there have also fallen head over heels with fictional characters and far off worlds. They share the same dry sense of humor that can make you laugh until your insides hurt. They also escape from reality with you to go live in happier worlds. They have all seen times as bad as you have and they don’t care who you are, they all still accept you. That is why I spend all of my time on there, it is my home away from home, the fictional lands I live in have helped save the rest of them too.

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