Thursday, December 5, 2013


A lot of popular blogs have been doing cute, funny, little drawing things lately and I just want to say, THEY ARE HARD AS HELL. I decided that I would try to do my first drawing post because I have to admit, they are pretty hilarious, and they don't look too hard. But they are not as easy as they seem. REPEAT: THEY ARE NOT AS EASY AS THEY SEEM. THEY WILL DESTROY YOUR SOUL AND EVERYTHING YOU STAND FOR. I was going to post about my social awkwardness with some drawings but sadly my drawings look like a drunk baby drew them.

The thought bubble says, "Please don't talk to me."
Looks like I took five seconds to draw this right?! No, it took me an hour. AN HOUR. AN HOUR. AN HOUR. I have seen people drawing amazing things, and it takes them like fifteen minutes, but no not me, not Sariah. I mean look, my arms, my feet, my head. My thoughts say please don't talk to me but my eyes say help. My arms are deformed and don't have elbows, my head is the size of my torso, and with that twiggy neck, it looks like a gum ball machine almost.  My leg has a slight curve and my feet are completely different sizes. One of them is like a size five and the other is like a size ten, not to mention how they are both facing completely out like a penguin or something. And lets not even talk about my fingers, my poor poor fingers. Plus my amazing, deformed, flannel, which did not take thirty minutes to draw, pshh no, it wasn't even hard...

I know that you all want me to draw you things with my amazing new skill but I'm not doing those yet, so please contain yourselves. Now that I have discovered my new talent, how would all y'all feel if I began posting stories and such with drawings?


  1. the fact that you linked my blog in this gives me the happiness like you would not even believe.

    1. hahaha yeah I love your blog and you can actually draw so I decided ehhhhhhhhh why not
