Thursday, January 23, 2014

Procrastination! A story of my life

I'm pretty sure that every person in the history of blogs ever has posted about procrastination but here is another one, one about me. There are many reasons that I procrastinate but the top two are: I have lost all motivation to do basically everything in my life, and why do homework when I could be on tumblr/watch youtube/watch netflix until two in the morning?

I am all of them besides the list maker,
social sharer, gamer, and delegator.
Photo cred: Twenty Pixels: A Field Guid to
I still do get my work done but I put it off until the night before it's due.  I start at 4 and end around whenever because I get distracted and bored and can't focus so I start looking at other things, take a nap, do things from pinterest, get on my phone, eat, clean my room, lay down and just groan for a little bit, or I will start waltzing around the house singing. I decide that the homework can wait while I watch just one more episode, which turns into five episodes. I tell myself I can do it quickly in the morning but I can barely get dressed in the morning, let alone finish reading my text book for AP geography.

The procrastination causes me many issues, it messes with my sleeping patterns, contributes to my panic attacks, and it often gets me in trouble with my mom. I go to bed around twelve most nights because of homework, which I could have easily done right after school, and then gone to bed at nine but it just doesn't work like that for me.  I find it intolerable after school, it is sometimes so boring that I will often take a nap or just lie on the ground and not do anything, I have even been so bored doing homework after school that I clean my room...  DUN DUN DUUNNN! It also affects my sleeping habits because I take naps instead of doing homework so at night I can't sleep and stay up until three full of energy doing nothing, but that only happens once ever week or so. I don't have panic attacks often, thank goodness, but I certainly wouldn't have as many if I didn't procrastinate. After so long about worrying about my homework and staying up late without much sleep it takes a toll on me and by the end of the quarter when I have 4 projects due the next day that aren't even half done the panic begins, my lungs seem to malfunction, and the brain stops, I have a total panic attack and am even further disabled from doing any work. And the last major issue is getting grounded. I tell my mom that I have finished my homework so that I can go out or watch TV and when she figures out it isn't done she freaks and grounds me.

But the sad thing is I even procrastinate my life, like with TV series or books, or talking to people, I put it all off. When someone texts me I think, "Eh, I'll reply later."and typically forget to reply. I have even not watched TV series because I "have too much to do." The struggle is real my friends. But I will one day break free of this horrible habit and have a healthy sleeping pattern with good grades that I am not constantly stressing over, sadly that day is not today and probably will not be soon. So wish me luck my friends as I struggle to become a better student!!

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