Friday, May 2, 2014

Mental illnesses SUCK

*Sorry that this post isn't fandom, but I have tons to write about that isn't very fandom, but I find them very interesting so yeah, you can deal*

Okay so now to my post. This is going to be more about my time at the hospital and the people that I was so fortunate to meet there. I am just going to say that I met the most interesting people I have ever met there. I wish that I hadn't met them under such unfortunate circumstances, but, oh well, I'm still glad that I met them.

It was strange,  I felt that everyone in the hospital was VERY attractive and I was kind of confused on why they hated themselves so much, because they were all some of the best people I have ever met. That whole day I just observed everyone, I barely talked but I watched, and I would laugh at their jokes and frown when they were sad. I know, I sound way creepy but hey, I was alone and in a mental hospital dealing with depression and very bad anxiety, I was not in the mood to talk. But I ended up just absolutely loving every person I met there. I am not going to say names but I will tell you about all of them, from all three hospital stays, where I kind of just fell in love with all of the people I met.

Everyone there had problems with depression, most with anxiety, self harm, and suicidal tendencies, there were a few with psychosis and things like that but other than that they were all just like me. The people with psychosis saw and heard things that their mind made up, so they weren't real. It was so sad because all of these AMAZING people were so sad, and hated themselves so much, I saw nothing that I disliked about any of them so it was just frustrating because I wanted them to see themselves the way that I saw them. They were all so sweet and funny, and most of them were insanely sarcastic. We all joked around like we had known each other for years and were close friends, which we kind of were, after sharing that much with each other, and spending all day everyday together you can easily develop those bonds.

All mental illnesses are.
Photo cred: Slow Robot
I met people from all around the country, with completely different stories, I even met some people that flew in from other countries, like Bermuda. There were people of all ages and races and religions, it was probably the most diverse place that I've ever been. They could sing, play instruments, dance, play sports, write poetry, they were all insanely talented and beautiful people. Their lives were ripped apart because of the chemicals in their brains or things that happened to them when they were younger that they couldn't control. They were still people, just as much as you and I are, they were just getting help for something that was completely out of their control.

So anyway, to wrap this post up, I have met some AWESOME people that I wish I never met in the hospital, but they all were the most amazing people that I have ever had the pleasure to meet.

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